Seamark Nursing provides fee-for-service Professional Aging Life Care® Consulting and Skilled Nursing Services to adults requiring assistance with health and home care management and their caregiving families.
Serving Boston's South Shore:
Cohasset, Duxbury, Hanover, Hingham, Hull, Kingston, Marshfield, Norwell, Pembroke, Plymouth, and Scituate
“When a family caregiver does not have the skill or expertise in addressing the care needs of a loved one, the stress of the situation can feel more dire without a clear foundation of discernment to navigate any challenge that arises.”
~Tricia Ward, R. N., Owner
We collaborate with clients and family caregivers to assess and understand the larger picture of one’s current circumstances, discern an appropriate path, then develop and implement a plan founded on real possibilities to meet aging life care® goals.
As we teach, coach, and mentor, family caregivers develop more confidence in their caregiving role and with that comes more comfort and ease in handling difficult situations and making choices.
We honor the uniqueness and individuality of our clients and families and we’ll create the best recipe to help you achieve success to the highest degree possible in your situation.
Sign up to hear from us with occasional marketing, specials, and events. We will never share your Information with anyone outside of the business.
Copyright © 2024 Seamark Private Nursing - All Rights Reserved.
AGING LIFE CARE™ is a trademark of the Aging Life Care Association®. Only ALCA Members are
authorized to use this term to identify their services.